Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oral History Essay

Click here for instructions on organizing the oral history essay in English 1113.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Comma Review

Click here and here to review some simple comma rules. Also remember to read chapters 12 and 13 in your Harbrace Handbook if you are having trouble with commas.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Optional Assignment

Click here for instructions regarding the optional assignment in English 1113.

If you choose to do this assignment, the grade can substitute for a lower essay grade.

It may be turned in any time between now and November 1. It will not be accepted after November 1.

If it is submitted for a grade by October 20, you will have a chance to revise it and resubmit it before November 1. Anything turned in after October 20 will not be eligible for this opportunity.

This essay should be written in a pro-con format. Click here for instructions for how to organize it. Remember that because the essay is supposed to be at least three pages, it will require more than five paragraphs. Therefore, the five things listed in the instructions do not represent paragraphs. The should instead be thought of as sections in the essay.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Visual Analysis Essays

The visual analysis essay is due today for TTh students and tomorrow for MWF students.

These are the things that should be turned in:

The final, polished copy (on top).
A copy of the picture you have written about (or the page number if it is from the textbook).
At least one edited rough draft.
An outline rough draft. This should be complete even if it is still rough.
The Turnitin report.

Staple everything together and bring it to my office, 113 Academic Support.

Remember that journals are due on Monday for MWF students and on Tuesday for TTh students. The first two units of the reading journal should be submitted in class (6 readings, 12 pages). The first seven of the ThomsonNow grammar post-tests should be completed as well.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Oral History Interviews

Click here for a handout on the interviews required for essay three in ENG 1113.

World Literature Presentations

Here are the handouts on the Ancient Greece presenations:

Presentation Instructions

Grading Chart

Presentation Topic List